Saturday, March 26, 2011

A call for HELP to the REAL MUSLIMS! from one Malaysian to another!

I am a Bhuddist who grew up in a Christian Priest's home, and have worked closely with Muslims from Britian, Pakistani, Bangladesh, Turkey, Lebanon and many other countries. I have read the qur'an in English, and the BIble. I am still a Bhuddist. Same with many of my Muslim friends who have also read religious texts of other religions. They have remained faithful to Allah and The Prophet Muhammed's teachings.

This preposterous showing of the authorities' lack of trust towards Malaysian Muslims need to be voiced out against, BY Malaysian Muslims!

All of you Malaysian brothers out there, who are Muslims, who feel that your right to read sacred texts of other religions is being infringed upon, VOICE OUT!

If you feel patroinised by the bigotted figureheads of so-called 'religious authorities', who are calling for this violent insult upon your faith towards Allah, and mistrust of your loyalty towards the Prophet's teachings, VOICE OUT!

If you feel like you're being urged by the authorites to marginalise fellow Malaysian who are also fellow 'People of the book', and to make a negative impingement upon their rights as enshrined in article 11 of the Federal Constitution, VOICE OUT NOW!!!!

The sensible, compassionate, REAL Muslim Malaysian brothers and sisters, PLEASE! WE, the Non-muslims Malaysian need your HELP!